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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation test link ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Antivirus for the iPad, iPhone and Android


To protect consumers in a variety of locations, platforms, devices and digital experiences, presenting Symantec Norton Internet Security and Norton Anti Virus 2012. The product is claimed to support mobile devices and tablets, both the Android platform and the IOS.

"The last few years, the number of devices, platforms and applications explode, the need to be protected from cyber crime too great," said Janice Chaffin, Group President of Symantec's Consumer Business Unit, in Jakarta, 22 September 2011.

Norton AntiVirus and Norton Internet Security 2012, Chaffin claims, offers the security that goes beyond the traditional Internet security, namely the ability to find your laptop or your Android device is lost or stolen.

"Norton Security 2012 is also equipped with security locks, including Identy Norton Safe in The Cloud that protects personal and financial information," said Chaffin. "He was also able to maintain the security of the web fake, can store passwords in clouds, and can be accessed from any PC that has been installed Norton Security 2012," he said.

Security when users download from the internet is provided by feature Download the Insight that checks each file to be downloaded. With Sonar, users can monitor the applications that run rapidly to mendetekasi suspicious behavior and disable it.

This product supports Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7 and are available at retailers and online stores Norton. For protection for a year for three PCs, the charge is Rp420 thousand. As for a PC, the tariff is 150 thousand.

Secrets Presentation by Steve Jobs


On October 5, 2011, the world is being hit by the excitement. The reason is not because there are buildings in New York or Palo Alto is bombed again, but because of a man who has just taken by Allah SWT, which is Steve Jobs. Yes Steve Jobs is not a Muslim, but there is so much good that can be drawn from the CEO of Apple on this one for the good of all Muslims, especially those that want to be entrepreneurs.

And one of them is Steve's way of presenting the presentation. In the following article, the author tries to explain some of the tricks that are often used by Steve Jobs in giving a presentation related to Apple products.

For those of you who like to follow the development of Apple and its products besutannya such as iPod, iPhone, iPad, Macbook, and the like, you surely know that one key to success in selling Apple products above are as cool or fantastic the CEO in promoting the goods these items at the launch event.

Not infrequently, a few spectators at the launch event was incredible impressed to the point of no objection to providing a long standing applause as they were in the event of major awards such as the delivery of nobel prize or something. It was super!

1. Use simple slide theme

In any action at the launch of Apple products, Steve seems to always use the theme slide that's it, namely a color slide presentation with a black top with dark blue silhouette at the bottom. But, instead of boring, this simple slide that actually helps the audiense to focus on overall product presentation.

And this is one plus the value of Steve Jobs because there are several speakers at the launch of a product that actually even like the look of a slide that crowded and busy eye. Depending on the purpose and to whom you give a presentation, you should pay particular attention to this problem.

2. Use a font that is clear and easy to read

Helvetica is a favorite of Steve Jobs, and so does Apple. On each occasion his presentation, Steve seems to always use these fonts in its slide. Helvetica is one of the benefits that are often not found in other fonts are on the "clarity" or clarity, both when displayed in small and large sizes.

If you are an amateur, sometimes you are tempted and moved to using the current font and weird as possible in order to attract the attention of listeners. Yet this is not something that can be justified.

3. Use words that are "hyperbole"

Have you ever heard of Steve Jobs released the following words repeatedly at the launch of its products; "Amazing", "Fantastic", "Awesome", "Magical", "Blown me away", and the like. Yup, you're right. Steve is frequently used words or phrases above to describe how great the features are owned by Apple products.

And sometimes the words of this kind you need to instill confidence in the audience or your prospective customers about the greatness of your product. Of course, with the expectation that the hearers and even then would later imitate tell you when this product to friends. "Oh yeah, this new iPhone just blown me away. I just could not speak no more. "

4. Repeat and repeat again

In order to effect these words had been getting hit hyperbolic in the liver and the neurons of your prospect, do not hesitate to say it repeatedly. In order not to seem boring, Steve usually repeat word hyperbolic in the time span of about 5 minutes or so after the end of the video or the explanation of his partner. This method is expected to prevent the audience from boredom because you often repeat the magic words earlier.

Always remember these words: "Amazing", "Fantastic", "Awesome", "Magical", "Blown me away". In the Indonesian language, we also have a counterpart. Do not believe? Try saying these words; cool, splashy, wonderful, magical, strange but true, and extraordinary. To make it more "excited" again. Hehehe, "magic" is not it?

5. Minimize the quantity of text, maximize on the statement

In each slide show Steve, who was born in 1955, tend to use as little text. The text in the slide only serves as a reminder only. While the explanation is in the head and the tip of Steve's own tongue. Thus, the audience would be difficult to turn his attention from Steve.

This is different when you use the text in the slides that appear in large portions and a lot of that will make the audience bored because they think you better look like someone who was reading rather than explain.

6. Feeling great, demokan!

Well this is the most important in a product launch. And apparently, this is also what makes Apple more valuable than other vendors in the world of information technology. When Apple held a product launch, Steve Jobs or his colleagues will be presenting their own entertainment, which are summarized along with a demo feature. Concrete example occurred in 2007 when the iPhone first launched.

At that time, Steve demonstrating how the iPhone can be used to view a map of the plan address the food and beverage stalls through the help of Google Maps. And fun, Steve demonstrating to the audience that the iPhone can also be used to call the shop directly through the interface that is still dominated by a floor plan map of the store earlier.

So what makes the rowdy audience? They are boisterous while giving applause for Steve to order food and drinks for people who are in the building where the event took place. Wow, no wonder the audience immediately cheered. Who the hell are not happy given free food and drinks.

7. Use video

For further explanation of certain features, Steve Jobs is more often hand over this task to a video clip. And this is a very good trick because if only a feature narrated too obvious and the nature of "dwell wide", then the audience will get bored and might fall asleep. This is exemplified by Steve when he presented the iPad 2.

To reveal the impact of what has been created by the iPad around the world, Steve invited the audience to enjoy the video duration can be between 4 to 7 minutes.

8. Make a comparison

As a company with a fanatical followers, Apple often makes explicit comparisons between their products with products made by other vendors in public. One example is when Steve Jobs introduced the MacBook Air as the thinnest laptop in the world, Steve is not afraid to compare it with the latest Apple products that are not lost to the thinness of the other leading technology vendors, Sony.

As long as it can be accounted for, I guess you also have the right to do this. But remember, you should also know that you do not have to embarrass you in front of competitors' products your supporters as is often done by Steve during this time. Understandably, it seems less Islamic. Moreover, without denigrating any competing product, people will actually tend to prefer our products as long as it does more good.

9. Do not tell me the bad news (which was mediocre)

During the presentation done, Steve Jobs always mention the success or achievement of the company. Rarely or maybe even never at all a bad news Steve or news mentions "mediocre" that descend Apple. Examples like this, at the launch iPad 2, Steve also revealed that the iBooks application has become a place for users to download the channel not less than 100 million books.

In addition, men who loved Mercedes and Porsche cars is also revealed that Apple have saved approximately 200 million credit card accounts of members around the world. Of course, things like this will help to make the listener at the same time your prospect will be more excited to be part of the company that you built.

10. Tell the audience to try it yourself

And this is the final stage, so that the audience was truly amazed and could feel the magical effects of goods made by your company, you should not hesitate to ask them to try to direct these products. As long as they try, let them do anything as long as it's positive as pressing the outside of the product, lifting it up and down, record it with a video or take pictures for republishing on blogs or sites owned by them. Ah, you'd have to imagine a free marketing efforts is not it?

Tips Avoid Buying Fake iPhone 4S


The launch of the iPhone 4S trigger counterfeit sales at stores online. Not much different physical inversely with the price is priced much cheaper. Of course with sloping price there are many things sacrificed including specifications, quality and durability of the goods.

Well to avoid being stuck buying counterfeit goods, the following tips:

1. Know your price. If the price is priced too low, the articles are questionable. So, when resellers offer high discounts.

2. Observe the specifications. Although the physical of counterfeit resemble the original, but often it has different specifications. Either that it adds new features or even reducing features that should exist in the original goods.

3. Returns policy. Resellers who have trusted returns policy for consumer satisfaction. Beware if the number of resellers do not offer it. 4. The most important is the warranty. All the company's smartphones offer a warranty that covers products, accessories and software. Counterfeit resellers do not offer the same thing.

5. Facebook and Twitter accounts. Many resellers who use social media to promote the account. There is no harm in checking their accounts and comments provided consumers in the account. Find out about how long they have that account to measure reputation.

it only provided tips for choosing iphone 4s that have been widely circulated and many forgeries.

Defeat iPhone Windows Mobile


For the first time the iPhone menggungguli market share of Windows Mobile operating system. While RIM's BlackBerry remains the most superior in the market share of smart phone operating system in the United States.

According to ComScore study, the Apple iPhone menggungguli Microsoft Windows Mobile in market share of smart phone operating system in the United States for the first time.

In February, 5.2 million respondents surveyed by ComScore uses Apple's iPhone, while 6.8 million reported using phones that use Microsoft Windows Mobile. In May, Apple's sales figures reached 5.7 million, 6.6, million in July and finally the highest 8.9 million units in October. In comparison, Microsoft's rise to 7 million in May, fell to number 6.6 million in July and returned to number 7.1 million units in October.

The highest market share figure smart phone operating system in America is Research In Motion BlackBerry. Reach 9.6 million units in February, 12.2 million in May, 13 million in July and reached 14.9 million in October.

What is also interesting to reveal the results of the Palm sales in the range 2.3 million to 2.8 million in 2009. Google's Android operating system rose to number one million in October.

The number of gadgets Android Translucent 190 Million Units


Android operating system is increasingly established itself as a popular OS in the world. According to Google, the number of Android devices are activated globally today has reached 190 million units.

The amount is disclosed by the CEO of Google, Larry Page, while announcing the number of Google's revenue in Q3 2011. In the realm of mobile, Google's revenue also exceeded USD 2.5 billion.

Google does not get money from manufacturing the Android because this software can be used free of charge. However, quoted from Venture Beat, Saturday (10/15/2011), they made ​​a lot of money from mobile advertising that is accessed by the user of Android. In July, Google said that every day as many as 550 000 Android device is enabled. Indeed, the support of many vendors to make Android phones more shot.

Overall, Google announced that its revenue from all business lines in the third quarter of 2011 reached USD 9.7 billion. Of this amount, the total profit online search engine giant has reached USD 2.7 billion.

Features Gingerbread Android, Android Successor Generation Froyo


What is the most awaited of the features of Android 3.0 Android Gingerbread or which is the next generation of Android Froyo? Hmmm maybe my opinion is chatnya video features. Yup, this feature is later used as a counterpoint Facetime Android available on the iPhone 4.

Although Android is not yet in-Gingerbread release but the news was widely circulated on the internet that leaked the latest Android features that are spread across several websites that review of Android. Even many who say that the Android Gingerbread is more suitable for the tablet compared to the smartphone operating system. probably more advanced features on this Gingerbread.

Well leak following features of the Android 3.0 is already reported by some websites to review about the Android mobile operating system.

Andriod 3.0 appear more clean and simple in the things to look for a variety of applications, files, etc..

Supports video chat where this order to compete with the iPhone Facetime 4 that allows users to do video conferencing between Android.
Google will ban a user interface that is made by the handset vendors such as HTC's Sense UI, Raphael of Sony Ericsson, and Motorola's Motoblur. Hmmm maybe I'll just everything: D
Gingerbread Dalvik JIT compiler will use to go faster processor performance.

Hmmm just more cool Android features from year to year ... hopefully many will adopt Android smartphone this Gingerbread.

Apple Launches New Iphone


Apple was disturbed by news of the loss of a prototype of the latest version of the iPhone. Now, the news continued with a story that says if the prototype is already falling into the hands of the casing manufacturer in China.

Rumors are increasingly widely in the mobile market because the Bamboo Curtain country lately has been so rampant in the name of the wrapper casing aka iPhone 5 or 4S. This is reinforced by the issue saying that the iPhone prototype 5 missing from the Foxconn factory in Shenzhen, China.

Well, Foxconn itself is a manufacturing company that hired Apple to produce the iPhone and iPad.

Quoted from Mactrust, Wednesday (09/28/2011), five prototype iPhone that was stolen was reportedly also immediately removed the software that came with it to counteract the action of the tracking done Apple. Later, he was sold to manufacturing the casing worth 20,000 yuan, or about USD 3100.

Previously, the prototype iPhone 5 also reported missing in a bar area of ​​San Francisco, United States.

Do not want a similar incident happening again, Apple's then do anticipate a tightening of security products. They opened two new job with a position as a "New Product Security Managers."

"Candidates will be responsible for the protection and management of risks to unreleased Apple products and intellectual property," said Apple.

Apple itself starts slightly revealing the latest generation iPhone they had prepared. This was after the dispatch of invitations to the media with the headline 'Let's Talk About the iPhone' and takes place at Apple headquarters in Cupertino area.

The First Mobile Phone


Mobile phones have brought a dramatic change for the communications industry. The development of mobile phones have made communication
remotely a matter of seconds. Who is the genius to create the first mobile phone and when was it created?
Phone cellular discovered in 1973 by Dr. Martin Cooper, a Motorola employee. On April 3, 1973,
The first cell phone call was made. Callers of course, Dr. Cooper himself. Recipient of the first phone call is Joel Angel, head of research at AT & T Bell Labs and a rival of Dr. Cooper.

History of Mobile Phones

Before the development of mobile phones, people use two-way radios to communicate while they are moving. The idea behind two-way radios cell phone discovery raises. During the 1940's, Motorola has come up with a walkie. Walkie-followed by a two-way handheld radios that operate on battery power.

In 1947, Douglas W. Rae Ring and the young at Bell Labs introduced the idea of ​​hexagonal cells for mobile phones. Philip Porter at Bell Labs came up with the idea that cell towers should be at the corner of hexagonal cells and not in their centers. He also suggested that cell towers should have a directional antenna.

Ericsson comes with an automatic mobile telephone system, which was released in Sweden in 1956. This is known as MTA and does not require manual control. The weakness of this system is that the phone weighs 40 kg. Year 1965 witnessed the introduction of mobile phone technology which was revised based on DTMF signaling and the use of mobile phones lighter. Until 1970, the phone must remain in the area of ​​their cells and no way to proceed communication while switching between the cell area. Handoff system call that allows users to move through different cell areas appeared only in 1970. The discovery was attributed to Amos E. Joel, Jr., a Bell Labs engineer. ARP network in Finland, founded in 1971, boasts a telephone network

The first commercially successful provider. You may want to know more about the evolution of mobile phone technology.
by Manali Oak and now cell phones have evolved far from the usual operating system to operating system Android.
competition among mobile phone makers are increasingly hot, and so did the competition operator followed by various promotions and a variety of user packets.

BlackBerry World's Most Expensive Worth USD 2.3 M


The image above is the first picture of the BlackBerry smartphones the most expensive in the world. At least according to the version of the author, Alexander Amosu, a British leading designer.

The company Amosu, Alexander Amosu Ltd.., A company known as a maker of a variety of gadgets and high-end devices. Besides, he is also known as a maker of products at prices too expensive. An example is the suit of the recently announced 112 thousand dollars worth, which is claimed as the world's most expensive clothes.

Although there has been no confirmation that this is a BlackBerry Curve 8900 is the most expensive in the world, but at a price of 240 thousand U.S. dollars seem to make a product made by Amosu BlackBerry has become the most expensive candidates.

Amosu spent about 350 hours to create this special version of the BlackBerry Curve with 18-carat yellow gold and studded with 4459 diamonds (weighing a total of 28.43 carats).

Like the premium product in general, Curve special edition will be available in limited quantities. Interestingly, there was only 3 pieces to be sold. One of them had already been bought by mystery buyer from the Middle East.

With the price of 2.3 billion, the buyers can personalize the display name or company logo and after sales service also apply globally exclusive.

Android Phones More Salable Than Iphone


The delay in the launch of new iPhone this summer profitable sales of Android-based smartphone. Android smartphone sales are now recorded double the IOS operating system that used the iPhone.

As quoted from the pages of Mashable, pollsters Nielsen recorded 56 percent sales of Android-based smartphone market in the last three months. While the iPhone, which uses the IOS operating system, sold as many as 28 percent.

The third rank is occupied BlackBerry smartphone sales, with 9 percent. Meanwhile, 6 percent of the remainder for other smartphones.

The owners of smartphones than 25,000, 43 percent use the Android operating system. iPhone is ranked second with 28 percent, and the BlackBerry in third place with 18 percent. The remaining 11 percent were using other smartphones.

For Apple, this stagnation as reflect the level of demand for the iPhone 5. Apple itself is rumored new iPhone will be officially launched next 5 months.

Nielsen survey also showed increased sales of smartphones. Although only 43 percent of respondents have a smartphone, but 58 percent of respondents noted a new smartphone purchase in the last three months.


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